But as someone with a family who has played all of the previous Lego games, I can say without reservation that this is exactly what we hoped it would be.

Some of the reviews reveal less familiarity with past Lego titles, so perhaps the reviewers don't well represent the target audience. I am somewhat shocked by the lackluster media review scores this is getting, as I can't really imagine what more one could expect from this title. I am somewhat shocked by the If you like the Lego video game series and you like the Pirates series, then you're going to love this game. If you like the Lego video game series and you like the Pirates series, then you're going to love this game. all the varied locations from the film, cannons, Jack Sparrow and Pirates! If your a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean you cant go wrong buying this game! … Expand The puzzle difficulty has a nice learning curve and each character can do a special ability such as Jacks mask. In fact its a must to have a friend, to share solving the puzzles and putting on silly masks.

The animations are spot on, Jack in particular and co-op makes the game twice as fun. The game follows the story near perfectly with some oddities that, mind you, are done on purpose. It is bounds better then other movie tie in games. I am a huge fan of Pirates of Caribbean and the Lego version is so much fun to play and does justice to the movies. I am a This game is a blast to play! I have never played a Lego game before so this is coming from someone completely new to the Lego series. This game is a blast to play! I have never played a Lego game before so this is coming from someone completely new to the Lego series.